Welcome to the Twin Creeks Extension District Website!

The Twin Creeks Extension District is made up of Decatur, Norton, Sheridan, and Graham Counties. K-State Research and Extension programs present useful information related, but not limited to: Agriculture; Family and Consumer Sciences; Economics; 4-H Youth Development; Home and Family life; Business and Economics; and Health and Nutrition. We take programs to Schools, Gardens, Community Centers, and many other places.

Our philosophy is to help people help themselves by taking university knowledge to where people live, work, play, develop, and lead. We work at being responsive to the needs of the people by focusing our resources on providing quality information, education and problem-solving programs for real concerns.

Now Hiring!

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Check out all of our upcoming events! Please call any of your local Twin Creeks Extension District offices to register!

walk ks flyerstepping on flyerbaking workshop flyer hort day camp flyer

Click Here to See how to Enroll in 4-H!