Walk Kansas

Walk Kansas Graphic 2016

(click the icon above to register for Walk Kansas!)

2024 Walk Kansas Information
March 31st - May 25th

Walk Kansas is a team-based program that will help you and others lead a healthier lifestyle! To get started, check out these steps:

  1. Find your team of 6 participants and designate a captain.
  2. Captains may pick up a paper registration packet from your local Twin Creeks District office, download the guides/forms below, or register online at http://www.walkkansasonline.org/.
  3. You may register your whole team online or by returning all completed forms to the extension office before March 31st. If registering online, the captain will first complete the team registration. Then, each participant will receive an e-mail to complete registration.
  4. Pay online or return one check per team to the extension office by March 31st. Cost is $10 per participant to register. Merchandise can be purchased online only. The link can be found on the Walk Kansas website.
  5. Begin logging your activity, fruits and vegetables intake, and water intake online on March 31st. Captains, be sure your team members are logging their own activity or log it for them.
  6. Have a great Walk Kansas experience!

If you don't have a team, and would like to join one, go online and register as an individual. The extension office will connect you with a team working towards a similar goal.

Join this program and:

  • be more active with friends and family,
  • make better nutrition choices,
  • and walk away your stress

Forms and Guides

For Captains:
- Team Captains will need 1 copy of both Captain & Participant Information
Captain Packet (print front & back)

- Includes:

For Participants:
- Each participant will need 1 of these
Participant Packet (print front & back)

- Includes:

Walk Kansas KSRE Website