Family Life

Family Life K-State Research and Extension is designed to share research-based educational information for enhancing the quality of personal and family life in communities throughout Kansas as well as the nation. Take time to browse through our web pages to find resources that could be helpful in your daily life, whether it be with family, friends, co-workers, or other persons with whom you are connected in the community.

Family and Consumer Science Program Series

Family First Series


The WonderWise Parent is a website designed for parents, grandparents, foster parents, stepparents, caregivers, teachers, and parent educators. It was created and is maintained by Dr. Charles A. Smith, Extension specialist with Kansas State Research and Extension in the School of Family Studies and Human Services at Kansas State University.

If you ask parents if they have any questions about child rearing, they are likely to respond with a concern about child guidance. The Responsive Discipline online course will lead you through a series of lessons about discipline for your own personal study.

Managing Time, Work & Family - Getting Children to Help is a list of age appropriate chores.

Child Development

Developmental Milestones: Guide for Parents, 1st Year

Developmental Milestones: Guide for Parents, 2nd Year

Developmental Milestones: Guide for Parents, 3rd Year

Developmental Milestones: Guide for Parents, 4th Year

Developmental Milestones: Guide for Parents, 5th Year

Choosing Care for Your children

Choosing Care for Your Children: Child Care Homes

Choosing Care for Your Children: Child Care Centers and Preschools

Consideration in the Childcare Decision

Children and Television: Using TV Sensibly

The New Screen Time: Beyond Television and Into the Future

Self Esteem in Parents and Children


Taking time to Think about My Step-family

Building a Strong Couple Relationship

Building Step-Relationships

Understanding a Child's Realities

Understanding Financial and Legal Matters

Working with Others

Family Communications

Basic Family Communication

FamilyTALK Fact Sheet

CoupleTALK - Enhancing Your Relationship is a booklet and activity cards to help each couple find ways to communicate better and enrich their relationship.

CoupleTALK: Enhancing Your Relationship - an informal personal study course

CoupleTALK Activity Cards

CoupleTALK: Enhancing Your Relationship Fact Sheet

Preparing Your Family For an Emergency (Video)

Senior Issues

Tenderhearts: Caregiver Resilience and Vitality

End of Life: Kansans Deserve Excellent Care

Advance Health Care Planning in Kansas

Simple Home Modifications: There are many factors why people want to stay in their homes longer as they age, including freedom, the need to be surrounded by familiar possessions and loved ones, memories, and the financial advantages associated with living at home.

Fashion an Easier Life with Assistive Technology: See how assistive technology can improve quality of life in many areas.